When looking to get your school online you will very often need all the services that more mature networks take for granted. However, being in the early stages of enabling internet access, the standard solutions available to you are unsuitable:
- Mature networks in schools are well served with enterprise-class solutions that would deliver the functionality you need but these are over-specced and over-priced
- this is magnified when adding up the dedicated solutions you would need for every service
- DIY (Do-It-Yourself) solutions certainly reduce the price but bring complexity you don’t want, making them more difficult to install and operate
You need a solution that is fit-for-purpose. A solution that:
- is simple to deploy and manage
- doesn’t need extra effort or time to link up all its functions and services
- has been tailored for developing schools and their traffic load
- has a price tag that better fits your budget
- gives you a clear roadmap for future, inevitable growth
EDUGATEBOX has been carefully designed and built with your school in mind.