"The DNSBOXes basically sit there and do their job as expected, we have very little interaction with them"
Andy Brennan, Technical Operations Team Leader, The Guinness Partnership, UK
"I want a DNSBOX in all my networks!"
Olivier LeLoustre, CEO, Matrix Telecoms (Ex Ringo Group), Cameroon
"DNSBOX has been a great addition for our network"
Sterling Rex, Farmtel Communications (Farmers & Merchants Mutual Telephone Co), USA
"DNSBOX is easy to manage, handle and is very stable. It is the best DNS product ever!"
Ruth Noemi Perez Feliciano, NOC Supervisor, PREPA Networks (HUB Advanced Networks LLC), Puerto Rico
"The DNSBOX is working great, I recommend it to every school district that talks to me about their DNS or DHCP needs"
Ross Davis, Techonology Director, Baxter Springs Unified School District 508, KS, USA

Dedicated DHCP for High Availability and Performance

Some people just want to fix a DHCP headache. They find standard Microsoft or ISC DHCPd implementations unsatisfactory:

  • Ensuring a reliable, highly available service by implementing DHCP failover is either difficult or impossible, depending on which tool you are using
    • This is the #1 issue in enterprises managing networks of PCs, notebooks, and IP phones
  • For others, the key issue is performance, needing to handle large numbers of DHCP leases
    • This is typically the priority for service providers
    • As BYOD schemes and IP phones scale the numbers of devices connecting dynamically, it is increasingly also an issue in other organisations
  • In all environments, the difficulty of deploying and administering DHCP can be a further reason why you are looking for something better

DDI appliances in general help solve DHCP problems. If you are just focused on DHCP and need a high availability or high performance solution, you need DNSBOX for DHCP.

Just need DHCP? We’ve perfected the dedicated DHCP server
User feedback has always rated the DNSBOX DHCP solution highly. With increasing need for stand-alone DHCP, in 2021 we decided to re-build it from the ground up, to build indisputably the world’s best DHCP server. Informed by expert customer insight every step of the way, that’s what we’ve done.

See how we’ve perfected DHCP


Next: Why DNSBOX >

Because DNSBOX is versatile and scalable, our customers around the world come in all shapes and sizes. Some want to simplify, control and protect their DDI services, others just want to solve a specific DNS or DHCP headache.

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