"CACHEBOX has alleviated a lot of stress in our network - it's doing a great job with Chrome updates"
Chris Brown, System Engineer, Micro Computer Systems, Inc. DBA MicroK12, USA
"CACHEBOX now looks after our updates automatically - the bandwidth savings are great, but I've also saved so much time"
Derrick Fields, A-Rush Gaming, USA
"We have had a very good experience with CACHEBOX"
Sherif Beshay, Beshay Steel, Egypt
"We're seeing great bandwidth savings, especially on software updates, which has made a big difference to our overall internet performance!"
Obinna Ndubueze, Technical Director, Ocean Marine Security, Nigeria
"Bandwidth is extremely important for us, we have such a small pipeline and CACHEBOX has made our lives easier"
Jeremy Roberts, IT section manager, Saint Helena Government, Saint Helena

Deliver a Better Web Experience with Less Bandwidth

Caching optimises your network by storing web content and serving it from your LAN. So you:

  • EnterpriseSave bandwidth – typically 20-40%
  • Deliver faster web access to your users
  • Can monitor web usage

The Internet has become a vital business resource for conducting research, communicating with customers or collaborating with colleagues. Whether they want to offer a faster, more reliable service, add more subscribers or keep costs down, many organisations benefit from deploying web caches in their network – wherever they are and even if they have high bandwidth:

  • For many users around the world, bandwidth is still scarce and expensive. Here web caches are the obvious answer. In simple cost savings alone, payback is rapid and return on investment very high.
  • Others enjoy high capacity and relatively cheap bandwidth, yet that bandwidth is under continuous pressure to support even more bandwidth-intensive content – video, social media and software updates. Deploying caches in local branches and core networks to optimise distribution of HTTP content frees capacity for this additional and sometimes high priority traffic.

Next: Why CACHEBOX >

Because CACHEBOX is versatile and scalable, our customers around the world come in all shapes and sizes. ISPs, education authorities, blue-chip multi-nationals, public sector bodies, small businesses, shipping fleets and hotels get more out of their bandwidth with CACHEBOX.

How can we make your visit easier?

Give us a few details about your requirement and we'll make your life easier by serving the most relevant information.