Having the right features ensures you get your job done quickly and effectively. At the same time your web caching management needs to remain simple. You don’t want to waste time understanding and navigating a whole load of features you are never going to use!
That’s why we offer CACHEBOX software editions that cater to the specific administrative, configuration and reporting requirements of different types of users:
CACHEBOX Schools Edition
- Start-up assistants for easy deployment in the network modes suitable for schools
- Simple dashboard gives key information about your CACHEBOX’s performance, with the drill-down reports showing detail on what students have been viewing
- Simple interface for teachers to set up their own pre-cache jobs before lessons
- Integration with Microsoft Active Directory authentication for monitoring and controlling what content individual students access
- Caching support for education learning tools from leading vendors
CACHEBOX Service Provider Edition
- Start-up assistants for easy deployment in the network modes suitable for ISPs
- Powerful configuration features to meet advanced ISP requirements
- Comprehensive reporting on what ISPs want to know: daily and monthly caching performance reports with statistics on top hosts, object sizes, extensions, request protocols, page faults and much more
- Automated logging for easy monitoring and fault diagnosis
CACHEBOX Enterprise Edition
- Same comprehensive configuration and reporting features as the Service Provider Edition
- Support for cache request authentication allowing you to monitor and control your users’ web usage
All software editions offer the same caching performance. It’s simply the reporting and configuration options which change to fit different needs.
Dedicated software editions mean we do a better job of making network managers’ lives easier, with the interface and manuals as simple as possible for each user, while including what each needs.