""During Apple's iOS 6 release 33% of our traffic was going to apple.com, but 75% of that was being served from cache!""
Eli Vaughan, Networks Administrator, Medicine Park, USA
"We are effectively lowering the ping time to the website...This makes websites feel more responsive and customers like our faster service."
Ray Taylor, CEO, Taylor Communications, New Zealand
"Now we have a complete report on caching and this helps us in better network management."
Ruggiero Antonio, Company Director, ASComputer, Italy
"We're seeing a huge difference with CACHEBOX - we are getting 38% savings. I'm really happy!"
Ahmad Alrasheedan, Senior Consultant, Wireless Mobile Data Co, Kuwait
"Installation of the device was very simple."
Ruggiero Antonio, Company Director, ASComputer, Italy

Monitor Caching Performance with Ease

CACHEBOX makes it easy to discover how well your cache is performing and plan future bandwidth requirements through its comprehensive reporting feature. Reports are automatically produced in real-time and for defined time-frames, providing:

  • Live statistics on bandwidth usage
    • Live statistics on bandwidth usage
      • Bandwidth saved
      • Average speed increase
    • User activity reports with real-time statistics – who went where, when
    • Granular view of caching performance: Includes average speed of requests served (from internet and cache), unique domains, unique sources
    • Custom reports for specific subsets of data
    • Caching performance statistics by content type (video, image, page etc.) and domain (Microsoft, Apple etc.)
    • Schedule daily, weekly and / or monthly reports
    • Download reports as PDF files or CSVs for your own data analysis

    Reporting-screenshotsAccess reports wherever you are

    Performance reports can be accessed in CACHEBOX’s User Interface from any computer with a web browser, anywhere in the world. The statistics may also be shared with external management applications should you wish to integrate CACHEBOX reports with other network monitoring tools.

    For deployments of more than one CACHEBOX, CACHEBOXCMC makes it even easier to get an insight into user behaviour and network performance by providing aggregated reporting.


    Next: Benefits of a dedicated caching appliance >

Because CACHEBOX is versatile and scalable, our customers around the world come in all shapes and sizes. ISPs, education authorities, blue-chip multi-nationals, public sector bodies, small businesses, shipping fleets and hotels get more out of their bandwidth with CACHEBOX.

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