CACHEBOX sweeter than Apple
ApplianSys is pleased to announce that Fremont RE-2 school district in Colorado has enjoyed success with CACHEBOX, selected to replace an ineffective Apple Cache. It has offloaded so much 1:1 traffic from its internet connection that students enjoy a premium e-learning experience in the classroom.
Fremont adopted 1:1 learning quicker than most. But that has meant countless user devices demanding fast access to Apple, YouTube and Microsoft content – for learning as well as software updates – with up to 2,000 students online at any one time.
Fremont had already upgraded to a 200Mbps internet link in preparation – yet the district often found its network saturated during the school day. The congestion caused delays and complaints from the classroom.
With bandwidth expensive in its locale and internet traffic expected to keep rising, it needed an alternative way to handle demand. Director of Technology Darrin Tingey estimated that iOS device updates were accounting for 40% of that demand, so he looked to offload it with Apple Caches.
However, once deployed, the change in bandwidth consumption was negligible – and without a useful reporting function he was unable to determine why.
CACHEBOX handles all manner of learning content as well as multi-vendor software updates. With it, Fremont has been able to offload the majority of its classroom demand.
CACHEBOX reports show demand for Apple content has actually risen, now regularly accounting for 60-70% of demand. But with more than 75% of Apple updates and learning content – as well as updates from Microsoft and Windows – now served from local cache, bandwidth usage has been slashed.
“And because CACHEBOX delivers classroom content over the LAN, it arrives at LAN speeds – often many times faster than from the internet,” says Sergio Villegas, CACHEBOX Consultant. “Coupled with an internet link that’s now 75% unused, the user experience for all 2,500 students is now ideal for learning.”
Fremont RE-2 is the largest public school district in the city of Florence, Colorado – a small district in a semi-rural location a two-hour’s drive south of Denver. Comprising 1,373 students across 4 schools – Fremont Elementary, Penrose Elementary, Fremont Middle and Florence High School – each student engages daily with one of the district’s 1:1 learning schemes.