"Compared to other caching products we've used, CACHEBOX is worlds apart on performance, management and price"
Kai Hendricks, Innovative: Virgin Islands (SXM)
"We're getting great bandwidth savings with CACHEBOX - 40% on average and we saw around 80% during a recent round of Apple updates."
Aqib Korai, Liptinfor, Niger
"Lovely team - it is a pleasure to work with them."
Ahmad Alrasheedan, Senior Consultant, Wireless Mobile Data Co, Kuwait
"I'm impressed by how much we are saving on gaming traffic – saving over 30TB of data a month on PlayStation alone!"
Colin Norford, Cache Administrator, The Cable, Saint Kitts and Nevis
"As a technical engineer it has made my life a lot easier. I used to work with squid which is very time consuming. CACHEBOX makes everything so easy."
Khaled Aly, Miranet

Save on Software Updates

SW-Logos-school-quoteSoftware updates are a problem for many service providers: networks come to a stop when a major update is released.

Software vendors constantly upgrade operating systems, anti-virus and other software packages. Users need to update their versions regularly to improve performance, usability and security.

These update files can be enormous: a major software update can consume significant bandwidth and slow down access across your network as each device individually downloads the files. The simultaneous download of these heavy objects by large groups of users affects the networks of many ISPs.

Software updates cannot normally be cached: traditional caches are only effective when a whole file is requested but updates often require only part of a file. So, these caches will serve the partial file but will not cache it.

When intelligent caches serve partial files, they also download them. This way future requests can be served from cache – problem solved.

Next: Speed up access >

Because CACHEBOX is versatile and scalable, our customers around the world come in all shapes and sizes. ISPs, education authorities, blue-chip multi-nationals, public sector bodies, small businesses, shipping fleets and hotels get more out of their bandwidth with CACHEBOX.

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