"Support were excellent and helped us to get the box deployed despite multiple complications and found some DNS issues using the reporting tools."
Ben Mukoro, COZ Internet Limited, USA
"CACHEBOX is the best appliance for freeing up bandwidth for more capacity in the network"
Daniel Noah, Network Engineer, Global Tech, Chad
"We had a very good experience during Pre-Sales discussions. Cool approach and volunteering to resolve our issue."
Udhaya Moorthi, Kal Cables Pvt Ltd, India
"Extra bandwidth has allowed us to add more services for our business, residential and emergency services customers"
Bob Ney, Support Engineer at Esplanade Wireless, USA
"We're seeing a huge difference with CACHEBOX - we are getting 38% savings. I'm really happy!"
Ahmad Alrasheedan, Senior Consultant, Wireless Mobile Data Co, Kuwait

Easy Scaling with Linked CACHEBOXes

CACHEBOX makes it easy to link multiple CACHEBOXes together, to form local clusters or distributed caching networks. The benefits are:

  • Redundancy – the caching service continues if one CACHEBOX becomes unavailable
  • Performance – caches working together deliver higher hit rates and/or lower latency
  • Scaling capacity – in effect, building a larger cache to handle increasing traffic

A caching network solution can be built up with CACHEBOX using any combination of three kinds of relationship:

Clustering-parent-child Clustering-Siblings clustering-wccp
Parent-Child Links – sharing objects downwards from a cache at a higher level Sibling Links – sharing directly between two caches at the same level in a hierarchy Load balancing by a WCCP enabled switch/router or a load balancer

Larger distributed deployments often use all three elements to build complex CACHEBOX hierarchies across large regions. These could be for a large ISP, a regional education authority or an enterprise sharing controlled content across a branch network.

Many CACHEBOX customers use load balancing with the WCCP protocol to achieve redundancy and scaling in a local cluster – from a single pair in a large high school to large clustered stacks in the network core of a large ISP.

Next: Outstanding Service >

Because CACHEBOX is versatile and scalable, our customers around the world come in all shapes and sizes. ISPs, education authorities, blue-chip multi-nationals, public sector bodies, small businesses, shipping fleets and hotels get more out of their bandwidth with CACHEBOX.

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