"CACHEBOX is working really well - the difference in Youtube and Facebook is remarkable"
Ruggiero Antonio, Company Director, ASComputer di Antonio Ruggiero, Italy
"The price of CACHEBOX is sensible. It is a great value solution!"
Nizar Hamoudah, Network Administrator, Zaytona, West Bank
"The price of CACHEBOX is sensible. It's a great value solution!"
Nizar Hammoudeh, Zaytona ISP, Palestine
"By serving huge amounts of video from our local cache, videos buffer much faster, and we see huge bandwidth savings ..."
Ray Taylor, CEO, Taylor Communications, New Zealand
"The CACHEBOX has demonstrated that we can deliver superior speeds to our customers. A really good product for any ISP"
Manpreet Singh, Direct On Data Limited (Hoop Telecoms), Nigeria

Caching the Un-cacheable: Software Updates

Software updates are often enormous files that can swamp a network when they are due.

Software update caching screenshotThese updates cannot normally be cached, as simple caches are only effective when a whole file is requested. Software updates often require only part of a file, so make a ‘range request’. The partial file will be served but not cached.

CACHEBOX is smarter. When a range request is served, the entire file will also be downloaded in parallel so that future requests can be served from cache.

Through automated updates CACHEBOX keeps up to date with the latest ‘rules’. Meanwhile ApplianSys software engineers continually add more supported vendors to the list, keeping your appliance running at optimal performance and responding to changing software usage patterns around the world.

Next: Reporting >

Because CACHEBOX is versatile and scalable, our customers around the world come in all shapes and sizes. ISPs, education authorities, blue-chip multi-nationals, public sector bodies, small businesses, shipping fleets and hotels get more out of their bandwidth with CACHEBOX.

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