"CACHEBOX is the gold standard when it comes to caching voter data"
Patrick Haydon, Engineer, Know Ink, USA
"CACHEBOX is the only mid-size cache server in the market that actually works."
Heiko Rehmn, CEO, Pyramite-IT
"CACHEBOX's embedded robust and excellent caching features are a huge asset to us"
Jeremy Roberts, IT section manager, Saint Helena Government, Saint Helena
"We have had a very good experience with CACHEBOX"
Sherif Beshay, Beshay Steel, Egypt
"CACHEBOX was really easy to deploy and is already giving us some really good savings."
Massimiliano De Rosa, MSC Cruises, Italy

Monitor and Control Content Usage

With all your web traffic passing through a single device, caches can provide you with data and reporting tools to monitor and control your web traffic and can help you to comply with legislation on data retention.

Advanced reporting features include alerts, detailed activity logs, comprehensive charts and graphs with timelines for easy monitoring. Logs can be uploaded automatically to an external file server to comply with data retention policies or enable access and interrogation by other software.

Monitor-screenie-with-icons-smIntelligent caches such as CACHEBOX also have the ability to block or control access to certain sites as well as prevent undesirable content appearing in search results. Users can be authenticated against Microsoft Active Directory (NTLM) records making it easy to use existing user profiles.

The ability to monitor and control traffic is often a useful secondary benefit of web caching. In some cases, it is a key requirement or even the #1 driver, such as enterprises where the primary concern is monitoring employee usage.

Next: Return on Investment >

Because CACHEBOX is versatile and scalable, our customers around the world come in all shapes and sizes. ISPs, education authorities, blue-chip multi-nationals, public sector bodies, small businesses, shipping fleets and hotels get more out of their bandwidth with CACHEBOX.

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