"CACHEBOX has made a phenomenal difference - especially in locations with slow internet connections. We've seen 40-50% bandwidth savings..."
Graham Gifford ICT Director, PGA European Tour, UK
"CACHEBOX is brilliant, it allows us to download 2GB files in an instant, without congesting our internet pipe!"
Bo Vaaben, Star Air A/S, Denmark
"All in all, CACHEBOX has proven to be a great asset for our day-to-day network tasks!"
Juan Hernandez, IT Infrastructure Manager, Grupo Alcione, Mexico
"The sales team is responsive and understand your concerns"
Tidjani Annadif, Nadif Business Service (Banyas & Sons Ltd), Chad
"CACHEBOX is a reliable and high-performance product, that's why we've been using it for so long!"
Jeremy Roberts, IT manager, Saint Helena Government, Saint Helena

Save on Video

Video has become a vital tool for business making it easier to communicate, learn and carry out research. But the growing use of video in the workplace has also caused difficulties for many networks. The average internet user now watches 182 videos a month, consuming large amounts of bandwidth and slowing things down for your users.

Caching is the obvious solution, but online videos are not as straight-forward as other content – unintelligent caches run into problems:

  • Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) – many video sharing websites store the same content at multiple URLs. This confuses many caching solutions into treating each URL as unique content and not, therefore, serving content from cache.
  • Rule changes – even if a caching solution can handle CDNs, websites like YouTube often change the rules for presenting their content so that caching no longer works.
  • User behaviour – changing video resolution, skipping forward or using other video controls can confuse a cache into storing multiple segments of a video that are not likely to be requested again.
  • HTTPS – some popular video sharing sites deliver content using secure HTTPS connections. This makes it difficult for a cache to access the video content.

While many solution providers simply ignore these problems, ApplianSys has overcome them with CACHEBOX’s intelligent video cache extensions and automatic updates.

Next: Save on software updates >

Because CACHEBOX is versatile and scalable, our customers around the world come in all shapes and sizes. ISPs, education authorities, blue-chip multi-nationals, public sector bodies, small businesses, shipping fleets and hotels get more out of their bandwidth with CACHEBOX.

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