Voyant Strategies reverse the costs of outsourcing DNS
ApplianSys today announced Voyant Strategies Inc. has appointed ApplianSys to help it take back control of it’s DNS. With the costs associated with outsourcing DNS becoming unmanageable Voyant decided to bring DNS back in-house.
“Outsourcing DNS seems like a good idea initially, but being charged for every query means you start limiting what you do on your network because of the restrictive pricing,” says Mike Clark – CEO of ApplianSys. “With DNSBOX you can do as much or as little as you like; giving you flexibility to do what’s best for your network and your business.”
Voyant Strategies (www.voyantinc.com) is a New Jersey-based IT consultancy focused on Network Security and Disaster Recovery, with clients ranging from the Fortune 1000 to firms with as few as five employees.