"We rolled out 1200 Chromebooks to classrooms and CACHEBOX means that we haven't needed to increase our bandwidth."
Rodney Leer, Brenham Independent School District, USA
"Our bandwidth problems have been practically eliminated. Monitoring & customization is a snap with the web interface."
Desert Academy, Santa Fe, USA
"ApplianSys is the only vendor that takes the time to look at our appliances for us, and it really goes a long way."
Mike Caruso, Orland Park Consolidated High School District 230, USA
"DNSBOX just works for the purposes we need – a redundant, reliable DHCP service"
Kevin Williams, Director, Whittier Regional Vocational Technical High School, USA
"CACHEBOX helps with controlling my bandwidth as well as allowing teachers to use YouTube."
Dwight Schell Technology Coordinator South Harrison County R2 School District USA

What they say about us

Our success is driven by our customers. Their needs and experiences have guided the design of our products and services for over 20 years.

Customers often tell us that the number and quality of testimonials we share provided helpful insight when choosing to work with us. And now they're more than happy to share their experiences with you.

You will find here hundreds of customer's stories, told in their own words.

With customers in over 150 countries, we can often connect you with someone near you to hear their views directly.


“The DNSBOX interface is good. User-friendly, once shown how to use. It’s structured well and organised in a logical way.”
Bill Wyatt, Georgia State Treasury, USA

“Our teachers love the Media Library, it’s a huge part of why we purchased the CACHEBOX. We have 80 students that are international, YouTube is banned in some places in China etc, so Media library made this possible.”
Lee Tilley, Director, Chaminade College Preparatory School, USA

DNSBOX met our needs for security, ease of use, cost-effectiveness, and other standard criteria, providing a reliable on-premises solution that basic options like routers couldn’t fulfill.”
Rupesh Halai, Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO), UK

“Between 2013 and 2014 we purchased around 1200 Chromebooks, when we started updating the Chromebooks we used 100% of our bandwidth for 3 days straight! By Feb 2015, we implemented CACHEBOX and we have never looked back!”
Dana Lehman, System Administrator, Highland Local School District, USA

“ApplianSys offers a very helpful service. DNSBOX seems to fit the bill regarding functions.”
Matthew Parris, GE Appliances, USA

CACHEBOX is amazing and so affordable on E-Rate, with 85% funding why wouldn’t you do it!”
Robert Rowe, Head of Department, Finkelstein Memorial Library, USA

“Since putting in CACHEBOX, nobody complains about the internet anymore.”
Cody Hawes, Director, Airport Community School District, USA

“The DNSBOX is working great, I recommend ApplianSys to every school district that talks to me about their DNS or DHCP needs. Everything has gone well and we are enjoying the stability and features of the device.”
Ross Davis, Techonology Director, Baxter Springs Unified School District 508, KS, USA

CACHEBOX is working really well, we’ve had it for years! I don’t have to do anything with it, it just works!”
Tina Zent, Co-ordinator, Forsyth School District 4, USA

CACHEBOX works perfectly, it’s an awesome product.”
TyRay Lathan, Assistant Network Manager, Warwick Academy, Bermuda

“I was trying to get away from Windows, so many patching and security risks! I prefer having a dedicated appliance (DNSBOX), less risk and vulnerabilities.”
Bill Wyatt, Georgia State Treasury, USA

“We’re really happy with the DNSBOX appliances so far. They’ve been rock solid and have actually saved us a few times already. Overall, we’re very pleased with the performance and reliability of the appliances”
James Carter, Senior Director, Nimbus Therapeutics, MA, USA

“The techs that work with CACHEBOX say having the appliance in the network makes it so much better and the internet much faster.”
Eric Esteban, Director, Gurnee School District 56, USA

“Having a CACHEBOX in place really does make the internet so much faster for our patrons.”
Robert Rowe, Head of Department, Finkelstein Memorial Library, USA

CACHEBOX has been there for so long, I’d hate to think what it would be like without it.”
Leslie Rullman, Technology Director, Riverside Unified School District 114, USA

“Updates were painful before we implemented CACHEBOX.”
Eric Esteban, Director, Gurnee School District 56, USA

“A couple of weeks ago, our main internet connection went down, and the failover to the backup line worked seamlessly thanks to DNSBOX. We were able to keep things running smoothly with minimal disruption, which was a huge win for us.”
James Carter, Senior Director, Nimbus Therapeutics, MA, USA

“One of my best experiences with a support representative. The appliance has enhanced our end-user experience.”
Leslie Rullman, Riverside Unified School District 114, USA

“I have to say, the team at ApplianSys may be the best support that I’ve worked with. It feels like there is genuine care about the customer and their solution. Most companies feel like they’re trying to just close tickets, regardless of the outcome.”
Frank James, Director of Technology, Hamilton Unified School District, USA

“We have seen dramatic bandwidth savings, and a huge performance increase with cached content. We’d probably need to double our current bandwidth capacity without it.”
Weston George, Network Administrator, Monett School District R 1, USA

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