"We rolled out 1200 Chromebooks to classrooms and CACHEBOX means that we haven't needed to increase our bandwidth."
Rodney Leer, Brenham Independent School District, USA
"Our bandwidth problems have been practically eliminated. Monitoring & customization is a snap with the web interface."
Desert Academy, Santa Fe, USA
"ApplianSys is the only vendor that takes the time to look at our appliances for us, and it really goes a long way."
Mike Caruso, Orland Park Consolidated High School District 230, USA
"CACHEBOX's embedded robust and excellent caching features are a huge asset to us"
Jeremy Roberts, IT section manager, Saint Helena Government, Saint Helena
""DNSBOX is a great product. I highly recommend it for ISPs and organizations that carry out bulk DNS changes.""
Samson Oduor, Access Kenya, Kenya

What they say about us

Our success is driven by our customers. Their needs and experiences have guided the design of our products and services for over 20 years.

Customers often tell us that the number and quality of testimonials we share provided helpful insight when choosing to work with us. And now they're more than happy to share their experiences with you.

You will find here hundreds of customer's stories, told in their own words.

With customers in over 150 countries, we can often connect you with someone near you to hear their views directly.


“We used to offer speeds between 500 and 800Kb/s but now we can offer an 800Kb/s minimum and an average of 1.5-2Meg per second. Our customers are already noticing the difference, especially during off peak hours. The extra bandwidth we now have helps keep us connected with the rest of the world.”
Bob Ney, Support Engineer at Esplanade Wireless, USA

“During Apple’s iOS 6 release, 33% of traffic was to apple.com, but 75% of that was served from cache. At our highest peak in demand, we were serving 300Mbps, with 200Mbps fetched from the internet and 100Mbps from cache – 50% byte hit ratio at that time.”
Eli Vaughan, Networks Administrator, Medicine Park, USA

CACHEBOX makes pages very responsive. I think that’s because even the advertisements on the sides of video web pages like YouTube and Facebook get cached, improving the whole browsing experience. It has really made a difference to those of our customers who work from home.”
Eli Vaughan, Networks Administrator, Medicine Park, USA

“With the ApplianSys solution we make significant savings on our internet access, it’s almost a third of what we were paying previously. For a region this size that’s a saving of £35,000 per year.”
Patrick Kirk, Network Manager, Leeds City Council, UK

“Since deployment, I am convinced that it is an excellent tool. Videos are cached and delivered so much faster now. At peak times we have regularly seen bandwidth savings of 75%.”
Victor Hugo, Network Administrator, EMAX, Peru

“We have been using DNSBOX for 3 years now and it has been absolutely fantastic! The best thing about it is the reliability. The management of DNS is very easy via the user friendly GUI. All you need is a basic knowledge of DNS and how it works.”
Moataz Sabri, Topnet Internet Services, Saudi Arabia

“We needed a way to differentiate ourselves from our competitors. We already knew caching was one of the best ways to do that, we just needed a new, cost-effective, solution.”
Gregory Eid, Managing Director at Teledata ICT, Ghana

“Anyone can use a CACHEBOX, no technical skills are required”
Khaled Aly, Technical Engineer, Miranet, Lebanon

“We’re very pleased with the performance of the units.  We’re able to use our CACHEBOXes to control content accessed by users and we’ve saved money by switching to ADSL.”
Juan Hernandez, IT Infrastructure Manager, Grupo Alcione, Mexico

“With ApplianSys, we no longer have to put up with the hefty bills and poor service levels of our ISP’s DNS management service.”
Mike Bird, IT Director, DHL, UK

Appliances must be simple, secure, robust, intuitive, low cost. The ApplianSys DNSBOX delivers – and on every count. The differences between this and other solutions I have tested are like night and day.
Chief Network Architect, Leading Hollywood Studio, USA

“We have deployed CACHEBOX to ease the strain on our upstream connection. It has made a huge improvement to the speed and responsiveness of websites such as TradeMe and Facebook. This is especially noticeable in the evenings during peak hours when customers don’t notice a drop in their surfing speed any more.”
Ray Taylor, CEO, Taylor Communications, New Zealand

“As a small internet provider and with New Zealand being at the expensive end of the southern cross cable system, we were facing high costs in buying upstream bandwidth. With CACHEBOX we are still able to provide affordable pricing to our subscribers.”
Ray Taylor, CEO, Taylor Communications, New Zealand

Simply put, CACHEBOX saves us an estimated of 28-30% of our bandwidth. Average download times have been dramatically improved and it makes a noticeable difference to our users’ web experience. In general, CACHEBOX offers a very good price-to-performance ratio.
Raz Biramah, IPI9, Gabon

“It has improved user experience drastically and optimised bandwidth – which is a much more effective alternative to spending money on extra bandwidth.”
Victor Hugo, Network Administrator, EMAX, Peru

“We’ve added more services and can now cater for bandwidth intensive content including video and Facebook, significantly improving our customer experience”
Adam Yon, C&W St Helena Networks Manager

“The user interface is great – really easy to use – and the documentation is some of the best I’ve seen.”
Devin Pittman, Aldera Communications Inc, Canada

“I can’t wait to use CACHEBOX’s Media Library with my teachers. The more I learn about it the more excited I am to have it.”
Joey Andrews, Arkadelphia School District, USA 

“ApplianSys is a friendly, knowledgeable company.”
Scott Comstock, Muscatine Community School District, USA

“Web pages that are very often accessed within the company download at an incredible speed, thanks to the pre-cache from CACHEBOX. And if in doubt, we can consult a list of all the web sites visited.”
Josep Gregori, Network Manager, Edicions Bromera, Spain

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