"ApplianSys is the only vendor that takes the time to look at our appliances for us, and it really goes a long way."
Mike Caruso, Orland Park Consolidated High School District 230, USA
"We rolled out 1200 Chromebooks to classrooms and CACHEBOX means that we haven't needed to increase our bandwidth."
Rodney Leer, Brenham Independent School District, USA
"Our bandwidth problems have been practically eliminated. Monitoring & customization is a snap with the web interface."
Desert Academy, Santa Fe, USA
"We have seen significant savings, it's up to 77% on average for today, but it has been at over 65% all week - and that is WITH my Apple cache already in place!"
Damon Rapp Director Of Technology, Claremont Unified School District
"CACHEBOX has helped our educators still be able to share educational content through YouTube videos!"
Susan Moore, Lewis County School District C 1, USA

What they say about us

Our success is driven by our customers. Their needs and experiences have guided the design of our products and services for over 20 years.

Customers often tell us that the number and quality of testimonials we share provided helpful insight when choosing to work with us. And now they're more than happy to share their experiences with you.

You will find here hundreds of customer's stories, told in their own words.

With customers in over 150 countries, we can often connect you with someone near you to hear their views directly.


“Without CACHEBOX, Schoology would not load in a large classroom. With CACHEBOX, it loads well.”
Kevin Powell, Technology Coordinator, Canton Central Catholic High School, USA

“Our location doesn’t help when it comes to upgrading bandwidth. Without CACHEBOX, there is no way I would have been able to add all these devices and start our iPad programme!”
David Godfrey, Trinity School, USA

“We are excited to have CACHEBOXes at all three sites. Your product is solid, beyond what we expected and doing great by saving bandwidth and pre-caching.”
Firas F. AL-Saidi, IT Director, Al-Bayan Bilingual School Kuwait

CACHEBOX gives great performance and my network has been stable for last 2 years. Solve my bandwidth problem.”
Vinit K, IT Manager, Shivnadar Foundation, India

“ApplianSys is a great company with a very good DDI product. We have been impressed with the service, devices, and support. The support team are always responsive and helpful.”
Hasan Ghannaj, NOC Department, Applied Technologies Saudi Arabia

“Once you have the CACHEBOX set up, it just runs – you don’t have to worry about fiddling with it. I tried to build my own caching system, but I when I came across ApplianSys, it has saved me a lot of time. I can now focus on lots of other things and it makes my life a hell of a lot better.”
Mark Nwangang, Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls, South Africa

“We are pretty remote, so it takes around 6 different radio hops for the internet to reach us from the core, which means there is some latency. Since we installed CACHEBOX, we don’t need to send all requests straight to the core to get an answer.”
Devin Pittman, Aldera Communications Inc, Canada

DNSBOX is simple to set up, update and maintain. Good reports.”
Olivier LeLoustre, CEO, Ringo Group SA, Cameroon

“Great unit and nice interface. Our CACHEBOXes are working well and are deployed in production environment. A reliable product and service that performs as required.”

Mariano Marin-Gomez, Director of Technology, Lindbergh Schools, USA

“The user interface is easy to use and we look at the reports every week. CACHEBOX gives us great visibility over our network and the reports are very useful, they give me all the information I need about my network.”
Vinit K, IT Manager, Shivnadar Foundation, India

“Since we installed CACHEBOX, we don’t need to send all requests straight to the core to get an answer – HTTP requests can be served to users at LAN speeds. This makes a big difference to the user experience – it gives it more snap – and the users certainly notice this.”
Devin Pittman, Aldera Communications Inc, Canada

CACHEBOX is great for caching HTTP content. We had problems with browsing speed and software updates freezing the network but this no longer happens with CACHEBOX – it is much better now.”
Ramy Youssef, IT Engineer, Cairo American College, Egypt

“We have a very high volume of content streaming in our environment so CACHEBOX was there to alleviate bandwidth-intensive content and it’s doing that. It works perfectly for us because our traffic is going higher and higher every day and the bandwidth-usage is just going crazy – reaching 500Gb a day. Without CACHEBOX in place to give us that 25-30% of bandwidth savings, we would have a serious problem.
Mark Nwangang, Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls, South Africa

“We got quick answers to our questions about initial setup and configuration, especially regarding the deployment mode. Responsiveness was very good and explanations were clear. Staff went above and beyond to give a specific example of configuration that was very helpful.”
Bob Cowie, Technology Coordinator, Miller Township CC School District 210, USA

“We see a continuous increase in bandwidth demand from classroom devices. The new apps and sites are more media driven and require an ever-increasing availability of Internet access. With CACHEBOX, we are able to minimize the peaks of traffic required from our Internet service.”
Mariano Marin-Gomez, Director of Technology, Lindbergh Schools, USA

CACHEBOX saves us a significant amount of bandwidth.”
Leonard Neill, Technology Administrator, Laurel Highlands School District, USA

“I really appreciate that relationship where you catch up with us and check how it’s going. When I buy something, that’s what I want to see – to have a relationship, to understand how the customer feels.”
Mark Nwangang, Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls, South Africa

“ApplianSys employees are the best at their jobs and we never had any issues with them. We always had timely support from your end when needed with appropriate yet promising solution/fix. We appreciate your dedication.”
Firas F. AL-Saidi, IT Director, Al-Bayan Bilingual School Kuwait

DNSBOX is very easy to use. The web interface if very intuitive. It’s a better alternative to a virtual DHCP server, reliable and easy solution to implement.”
James Montoya, US Geological Survey, Colorado, USA

“With the pre-caching feature, I am able to pre-cache Windows updates over the evening and fully utilize the Internet bandwidth we have during the day. Students, teachers and staff with Windows devices are able to receive the updates locally from the CACHEBOXes without stressing the Internet bandwidth in use for productive classroom activities. Also, the CACHEBOXes are very efficient in caching from the CDNs of many other vendors like Google and Apple.”
Mariano Marin-Gomez, Director of Technology, Lindbergh Schools, USA

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