"ApplianSys is the only vendor that takes the time to look at our appliances for us, and it really goes a long way."
Mike Caruso, Orland Park Consolidated High School District 230, USA
"Our bandwidth problems have been practically eliminated. Monitoring & customization is a snap with the web interface."
Desert Academy, Santa Fe, USA
"We rolled out 1200 Chromebooks to classrooms and CACHEBOX means that we haven't needed to increase our bandwidth."
Rodney Leer, Brenham Independent School District, USA
"Great unit and nice interface. CACHEBOX is reliable product that performs"
Mariano Marin-Gomez, Director of Technology, Lindbergh Schools, USA
"By serving huge amounts of video from our local cache, videos buffer much faster, and we see huge bandwidth savings ..."
Ray Taylor, CEO, Taylor Communications, New Zealand

What they say about us

Our success is driven by our customers. Their needs and experiences have guided the design of our products and services for over 20 years.

Customers often tell us that the number and quality of testimonials we share provided helpful insight when choosing to work with us. And now they're more than happy to share their experiences with you.

You will find here hundreds of customer's stories, told in their own words.

With customers in over 150 countries, we can often connect you with someone near you to hear their views directly.


“I was able to get CACHEBOX back online and it is already caching quite a few items and saving us considerable bandwidth!”
William Shaffer, Onsite Tech, Conemaugh Valley School District, USA

“I definitely haven’t heard any complaints from teachers or students.”
Spencer Rockford, Technology Coordinator, Milton Pope School – Miller Township CCSD #210, USA

CACHEBOX seems to be working out pretty well, we’ve had no problems so far and we can see it’s making a difference.”
Eric Morfeld, Osage County School District R 2, USA

CACHEBOX works well and ApplianSys support is excellent!”
Alan West, Tech Director, Moberly School District, USA

CACHEBOX does a great job with HTTP traffic and caching OS updates.”
Shawn Crouch, IT Manager, Warsaw R-IX School District, USA

CACHEBOX has been working really well. We aren’t even close to hitting our provisioned bandwidth, and I chalk a lot of that up to CACHEBOX.”
Weston George, Network Administrator, Monett School District R 1, USA

“To me, CACHEBOX is set and forget, I rarely if ever need to look at it – I just check the reports periodically.”
Dan Shelton, Director, Southwest Barry CSD R5, USA

CACHEBOX has really done its job and delayed our bandwidth upgrade by at least 3 years.”
Lukas Sidzyik, Tech support, Central Plains Unified School District 112, USA

CACHEBOX was well worth the money we paid for it.”
Michael Galinato, Technology Coordinator, Waldron Public School District 45, USA

“If you have the need due to low bandwidth I would recommend CACHEBOX.”
Ignacio Rodriguez, Technology Director, Childress Independent School District, USA

CACHEBOX does what we want it to do, it stops our internet from being slow.”
Jeremy Rivera, Tech Director, Fremont School District RE-2, USA

“My experience with CACHEBOX has been great, it works very well.”
Jeremy Rivera, Tech Director, Fremont School District RE-2, USA

“I never check the box because I know it’s realiable and never gave us problems in 5 years, but these reviews really add value and gives me confidence in the product and your service. I feel well looked after.”
Diana Rivera, IT Director, Dexter Consolidated Schools, USA

“We’ve had very little complaints in terms of network performance since deploying CACHEBOX.”
Pontiac Academy For Excellence, USA

“I couldn’t afford to upgrade all my lines to 5GB, so CACHEBOX has really helped negate that need for now.”
Keith Greer, Information Systems Manager, Yosemite Unified School District, USA

CACHEBOX has helped our teachers and students to access content much quicker in the classroom.”
Jeff Ehrmann, Network Admin, Friends Central School, USA

“We’ve put in another CACHEBOX yesterday and I fell from my chair once I saw the stats.”
Dave Girouard, Technical Contact, Kativik School Board, Canada

“Keep up the good work! CACHEBOX is great.”
Jordan Clingham, Solomon & Company, Saint Helena

CACHEBOX has helped us alleviate congestion, particularly from large software update files.”
Albert Liu, Wellington College International Tianjin, China

DNSBOX is a good and simple to use product.”
Ahsan Tasneem, Aga Khan University, Pakistan

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