"The DNSBOX interface is good and user-friendly"
Bill Wyatt, Georgia State Treasury, USA
"I like the namesurfer interface in a lot of ways, it is easy to use"
Michael Stumpo, DNS Team, Maryland State Archives, USA
"Your technical support is excellent"
Jude Okoroji, DNSBOX Technician, Cyberspace Network Limited, Nigeria
"DNSBOX works great for DNS and is not expensive"
Victor Campos, Farmacias Similares, Mexico
"DNSBOX can be managed by non-professional technicians. Just teach them a few quick steps then off they go"
Naif Orabi, Network Administrator at TAIF Ministry Of Education, Saudi Arabia

Protect Against Cache Poisoning with DNSSEC

Many organisations want to introduce DNSSEC to protect against cache poisoning which can result in your users being misdirected to malicious websites and/or disrupt services that rely on DNS such as email and VOIP.

But implementing and managing DNSSEC can be complicated, costly and time-consuming:

  • All your zones need to be signed for DNSSEC to be effective – a big task for large networks
  • DNSSEC keys need to be stored securely so that they cannot be changed maliciously
  • Keys also need to be periodically updated – known as ‘key rollover’.
  • Additional DNSSEC steps in DNS resolution may introduce unwanted latency

Key rollover is particularly complex and requires very careful administration. If you get it wrong, keys which are no longer valid remain cached in other DNS servers around the world or are not synchronised with your own upstream servers. In such cases, clients using DNSSEC would be unable to resolve your records. With lots to know and manage, manual key rollover is incredibly error-prone.

DNSSEC-Screenshot-smYou need a solution that, like DNSBOX:

  • Automates DNSSEC key management and rollover
  • Automates zone signing for rapid implementation
  • Makes it easy to store DNSSEC keys securely
  • Uses a high performance resolver to mitigate the extra latency of DNSSEC requests

Next: Microsoft Integration >

Because DNSBOX is versatile and scalable, our customers around the world come in all shapes and sizes. ISPs, enterprises, government agencies and even internet registers simplify, control and protect their DDI services with DNSBOX.

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