"DNSBOX proved to be the right choice for us. It is about its robustness and simplicity... "
System Administrator at one of the world’s largest Registrars
"DNSBOX is a good and simple to use product"
Ahsan Tasneem, Aga Khan University, Pakistan
"DNSBOX is a very stable system and has made it easy for us to manage our domains"
Clement Ngoma, INQ Digital (Ex Skyband), Malawi
"Every question, concern and need has been addressed in a timely manner"
Ed Buonocore, Systems Manager, US Federal Probation D/NJ, NJ, USA
"We needed to take DNS management in-house in a hurry. Without DNSBOX, we'd have been looking at several weeks"
Mike Bird, IT Director, DHL, UK

Hardware for Reliability, Security and Performance

DNSBOX-hardwareWe pay the same attention to detail with hardware as we do with software. Some appliance vendors use standard “appliance” units from large server vendors to make their own lives easier. But ApplianSys is careful to design products which are fit-for-purpose to make your life easier. Using industrial grade components, DNSBOX is optimised for reliability and performance.

Solid State storage for security, reliability and redundancy

  • DNSBOX uses Solid State Drives (SSDs) for more reliability, faster boot times and more resilience to hardware failure – minimising the risk of data or application corruption
  • A neat dual CFast architecture gives you extra redundancy:
    • The Program Card holds DNSBOX’s application software and operating system and is mounted read-only – so more secure
    • The Data Card holds the appliance’s configuration and DDI data so in the unlikely event of failure, swapping cards to a spare or replacement appliance causes minimal disruption

Matching hardware to workload

DNSBOX comes in different hardware models to handle different performance levels:

  • Components are carefully selected to match each performance requirement
  • High quality chassis, keeping size to the minimum needed, help minimise costs of space, power and heat


The little things which matter

Did we mention we pay attention to detail? Here’s how:

  • DNSBOX chassis are custom-designed for physical solidity, neat internal layout and airflow
  • Build quality is high with neat and tidy cabling
  • DNSBOX comes with a high-quality, hard-copy user guide.
  • With its stylish brushed aluminium faceplate, DNSBOX looks good in your rack

Next: Scalable, flexible range to meet your DDI needs >

Because DNSBOX is versatile and scalable, our customers around the world come in all shapes and sizes. ISPs, enterprises, government agencies and even internet registers simplify, control and protect their DDI services with DNSBOX.

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