"We rolled out 1200 Chromebooks to classrooms and CACHEBOX means that we haven't needed to increase our bandwidth."
Rodney Leer, Brenham Independent School District, USA
"Our bandwidth problems have been practically eliminated. Monitoring & customization is a snap with the web interface."
Desert Academy, Santa Fe, USA
"ApplianSys is the only vendor that takes the time to look at our appliances for us, and it really goes a long way."
Mike Caruso, Orland Park Consolidated High School District 230, USA
"DNSBOX is a well thought-out, scalable and easy to manage solution."
John Calisi, IT Manager of Operations, Tennessee Board of Regents, USA
"Your support has been outstanding!"
Barry Coleman, Trinity Independent School District, USA

DNSBOX shines in El Dorado

February 20, 2019

ApplianSys is pleased to announce that El Dorado Springs School District, Missouri, USA, has replaced its former Novell solution with DNSBOX to ensure fast, reliable DNS.

Based in Cedar County, the district serves 1,500 students in three schools on a single campus. It seeks to maintain the highest standards of education delivered through technology. A 1:1 student to device scheme is integral to facilitating this.

That’s why it was critical to Technology Director Brent Hillsman that the district’s core infrastructure reliably handle the expected increase in 1:1 internet traffic.

Several years earlier, he had deployed a feature-rich Novell solution to handle his core DNS / DHCP services. But over the years, its value degraded as certain functionality became redundant or no longer fit for the job. The limited DNS service that remained was highly unreliable, often causing problems with latency and slowing down user experience.

Brent wanted to replace this with a simple DNS cache server to resolve client DNS requests quickly and reliably. Ease of use and excellent support were key criteria.

Having deployed ApplianSys’ CACHEBOX solution to handle bandwidth congestion on his network, he was already impressed with its reliability, simplicity and excellent support. So he approached ApplianSys with his DNS requirement, and was pleased to find they offered a dedicated DNSBOX DNS-only solution that was surprisingly affordable.

DNSBOX210 DNS cache server was deployed, replacing the Novell solution.

Since deployment, DNS service at the district has been much more reliable. DNSBOX resolves up to twice the previous volume of DNS queries.

DNSBOX offers a modular approach to managing and simplifying core network services as DNS, DHCP and IP address management,” says DNSBOX Product Manager Magdalena Jovanovic, “Thanks to a dedicated recursive DNS service running on DNSBOX, El Dorado can guarantee DNS service reliability and faster user experience.”

Based in Cedar County, Missouri USA, El Dorado Springs School District serves almost 1,500 students in three schools on a single campus, all sharing an internet connection of 100Mbps. The district seeks to maintain the highest standards of education and deliver equal access through its use of technology.