"We regularly get hit rates of 40% and have been able to add a lot more subscribers to our network."
Dale Pompey, IT Manager at Karib Cable Kelcom International, Trinidad and Tobago
"Before purchasing the appliance I used to work with squid which is very time consuming. CACHEBOX's Web Interface allows me to do anything I want within minutes."
Khaled Aly, Technical Engineer, Miranet, Lebanon
"I chose to use a CACHEBOX because of its strong focus on web caching"
Gregory Eid, Managing Director at Teledata ICT, Ghana
"Compared to other caching products we've used, CACHEBOX is worlds apart on performance, management and price"
Kai Hendricks, Innovative: Virgin Islands (SXM)
"Extra bandwidth has allowed us to add more services for our business, residential and emergency services customers"
Bob Ney, Support Engineer at Esplanade Wireless, USA

Flexible Deployment Modes

CACHEBOX supports all the common deployment methods for Forward caches. We can help you choose the best one for your network.

Most caches make requests to web servers using their own IP address. This can lead to a number of problems: many web servers limit the number of simultaneous connections made from a single address and if an end user does something illegal online, you won’t be able to check who it was. You can avoid these with CACHEBOX by using its Source Address Spoofing feature.

Source IP Address Spoofing Diagram - CACHEBOX

Next: Cache Extensions >

Because CACHEBOX is versatile and scalable, our customers around the world come in all shapes and sizes. ISPs, education authorities, blue-chip multi-nationals, public sector bodies, small businesses, shipping fleets and hotels get more out of their bandwidth with CACHEBOX.

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