"After 1 month with CACHEBOX in the network, performance improved by 30% to 40%."
Pablo Cede, IT Department Coordinator at LabVita, Venezuela
"I rarely look at the CACHEBOX reports, but it does capture a lot of useful information"
Robert Rowe, Head of Department, Finkelstein Memorial Library, USA
"We’ve seen 20-30% bandwidth savings – we can now expand the network and add new sites"
Juan Hernandez, IT Infrastructure Manager, Grupo Alcione, Mexico
"The bandwidth savings we've seen have been phenominal, CACHEBOX has had a huge impact on our organisation!"
Derrick Fields, A-Rush Gaming, USA
"We are very happy with numerous features offered by CACHEBOX, for example its reporting options and intuitive user interface."
Leerish Ramsurn, BBCWYSE Technology, Mauritius

Faster Internet Access, Improved User Experience

Caching can dramatically improve page load time, transforming your user experience:

  • Enterprises can ensure that their employees have the internet access they need to remain productive, even at remote branch offices
  • Hotels, retail outlets and internet cafes can provide customers with reliable and profitable internet services

In most cases, a transformed user experience is at least a strong #2 reason for deploying a cache. In many cases, it is actually the #1 driver, particularly:

  • In higher/cheaper bandwidth locations
  • In networks where by definition many users are downloading the same content at around the same time – such as at training centres or events
  • Where higher bandwidth is not available and existing bandwidth is too low all the time, not just at peaks – such as on board ships or in remote regions relying on satellite links
  • Where organisations offer a service to paying customers and customer satisfaction is key

Next: Content Monitoring and Control >

Because CACHEBOX is versatile and scalable, our customers around the world come in all shapes and sizes. ISPs, education authorities, blue-chip multi-nationals, public sector bodies, small businesses, shipping fleets and hotels get more out of their bandwidth with CACHEBOX.

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