"With CACHEBOX we make significant savings on our internet access, paying almost a third of what we previously paid."
Patrick Kirk, Network Manager, Leeds City Council, UK
"I rarely look at the CACHEBOX reports, but it does capture a lot of useful information"
Robert Rowe, Head of Department, Finkelstein Memorial Library, USA
"CACHEBOX now looks after our updates automatically - the bandwidth savings are great, but I've also saved so much time"
Derrick Fields, A-Rush Gaming, USA
"CACHEBOX is doing a great job without me having to do much"
Robert Rowe, Finkelstein Memorial Library, USA
"Everytime we upgrade the firmware we see the additional benefits and CACHEBOX just gets better"
Jeremy Roberts, IT section manager, Saint Helena Government, Saint Helena

The Right Size for Your Job

The CACHEBOX range offers models at different price/performance points so you can select a solution to fit your traffic-load requirement without spending on performance you don’t need.

*Peak performance achieved under test conditions. Real life performance varies, depending on network and traffic characteristics.

Next: Managing Multiple CACHEBOXes >

Because CACHEBOX is versatile and scalable, our customers around the world come in all shapes and sizes. ISPs, education authorities, blue-chip multi-nationals, public sector bodies, small businesses, shipping fleets and hotels get more out of their bandwidth with CACHEBOX.

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