"Our bandwidth problems have been practically eliminated. Monitoring & customization is a snap with the web interface."
Desert Academy, Santa Fe, USA
"ApplianSys is the only vendor that takes the time to look at our appliances for us, and it really goes a long way."
Mike Caruso, Orland Park Consolidated High School District 230, USA
"We rolled out 1200 Chromebooks to classrooms and CACHEBOX means that we haven't needed to increase our bandwidth."
Rodney Leer, Brenham Independent School District, USA
"The CACHEBOX reporting capabilities are really impressive, I now monitor my web traffic on a daily basis"
James Caudell, Blanco Independent School District, USA
"Web pages that are very often accessed within the company download at an incredible speed, thanks to the pre-caching feature..."
Josep Gregori, Network Manager, Edicions Bromera, Spain

CACHEBOX perks up Java BYOD

June 16, 2019

ApplianSys is pleased to announce that Ciputra School, an international curriculum school in Indonesia, has deployed a CACHEBOX solution to stop bandwidth congestion from crippling e-learning in the classroom.

To facilitate e-learning, the school provides bring-your-own-device (BYOD) access for 1000 users, along with Apple and Windows laptops housed in computer labs. However, students regularly struggled to access the school’s Managebac curriculum, as pages loaded too slowly.

At peak periods, simultaneous demand for the same lesson content was saturating the network, stalling web access. But upgrading bandwidth simply wasn’t an option for Ciputra. Not only was bandwidth very expensive – it was already paying US$45,000 for 180Mbps – the internet service provided was extremely unreliable. Students received far less capacity, and as a result, learning programmes suffered.

The school tried restricting access to alleviate the issues – limiting device numbers through authentication, prioritising specific websites, and even maximising LAN capacity infrastructure – but nothing had the desired result.

With no way to stop the complaints besides adding overpriced bandwidth, ICT Manager Widarso Bekti Kumoro contacted ApplianSys and was delighted to find a far more affordable and effective solution.

CACHEBOX downloads and stores a local copy of any in-demand content and meets all further requests by serving it directly to users on the local network – without using up further bandwidth. This slashes internet demand instantly, allowing schools to reclaim capacity for other content or additional users. And what’s more, because cached content is served over the LAN, it arrives at much faster LAN speeds – so students enjoy a much faster user experience.

“After seeing live CACHEBOX results from other schools in the region, Widarso was sold,“ says Marianne Cowie CACHEBOX Consultant. “In meeting the majority of demand locally, CACHEBOX effectively multiplies a school’s existing capacity – typically by 4 to 5 times – providing sufficient web access at a fraction of the cost of additional bandwidth.”


Ciputra School (Sekolah Ciputra) is a large single campus school in East Java offering International Baccalaureate programmes that span the years from Play Group to Grade 12. It provides an English curriculum with a strong international focus that relies on access to global internet content and resources, so it boasts computer laboratories, as well as Wi-Fi access to all students throughout the school.