Cable connects to CACHEBOX
The Cable, an ISP in St Kitts, has purchased 2 CACHEBOX310s to provide a better user experience and reduce bandwidth costs, helping them to compete on price with larger ISPs.
The ISP serves over 620Mbps to customers, the vast majority of which is HTTP traffic. Each month, bandwidth costs The Cable over $200 per Mbps, so even a small saving in usage translates into significant financial return.
“With a limited customer base to compete for, island-based ISPs have to succeed on low margins, so every penny they invest in their network has to deliver clear benefits,” comments Ross Horn, ApplianSys Sales Executive. “CACHEBOX enables The Cable to reduce the amount of expensive bandwidth it buys and/or add more users to increase revenue, all whilst providing a more competitive user experience. These financial benefits coupled with CACHEBOX’s low TCO mean that ISPs like The Cable get a sustainably high ROI.”
The Cable provides broadband, telephony and television services to around 11,000 users on the Caribbean island of St Kitts. They serve a mix of residential customers and enterprises including 2 large universities.